Friday, 27 February 2015

Friday - Countdown

It's nearly 7:30pm on Friday night and in just under 9 hours we'll be leaving the house for the airport, and our holiday to Spain will have begun.

Slightly worrying news, passed our way this afternoon, was that the M56 is to be closed from tonight until Monday morning between junctions 5 (the airport) and 6.  Fortunately, the Highways Agency must have been informed of our imminent departure and will allow traffic to leave the motorway at junction 5, so all is well.

This year I have to remember, firstly, where I put my car keys on arrival at the airport so that we don't have to call Sally out again with the spare ones on our return, and secondly, not to leave the internal light on in the car so that hopefully there will be enough power left in the battery to start the car when we get back.  Regular readers of our holiday blog will know what I'm talking about.

The weather forecasts are predicting we'll be leaving home in the rain, but arriving in Spain to some sunshine, which should last at least for a few days, so it looks like we'll be able to get in some walking in between coffee stops with plenty of photos.  How many will make the blog depends on the quality of the wifi in the hotel (it wasn't too good last year), but I'll try and get the most interesting ones up.

Right then, time for some last minute packing and then it will be almost time for bed, if we're to be up at 3am. 

I hope there'll be something in the blog to keep you amused, and as ever, I look forward to your comments.  Adios mis amigos

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